Heeeet is an award winning custom chopper based on a 1998 Suzuki Intruder 1400. The Intruder was selected for several reasons...the engine is slim, highly chromed, very powerful with lots of torque, and super dependable. (These engines have been known to log over 200,000 miles without failure.) The shaft drive provides a clean look, is very smooth and doesn't require the regular service or replacement that a chain or belt does. The stock frame was able to be used without any alterations so tracking and balance is perfect. This is the second chopper I've built using the Intruder 1400, the other bike "Wild Ride" is my daily rider (with almost 50,000 miles and never a problem) and can be seen at:
Heeeet started out as a stock low mileage bike in excellent condition with no rust or damage of any kind. The customization was a total frame-up restoration with the frame being sandblasted prior to painting. The candy purple fading into black base paint and clearcoat was applied by Jason Brewer of Redline Finishes (
www.redlinefinishes.com) in Ozark, Missouri. Jason is considered one of the best body and paint technicians in the country. His father owns Corvettes Unlimited (
www.corvettesunlimited.com) and Jason handles all the paint and bodywork for the high-end rotisserie restorations that come out of that shop. Airbrush art was provided by Larry Williams (
www.larbrush.com) who also did the show winning work for "Wild Ride" and many other custom bikes, boats and cars in the midwest. Larry's work will rival anything coming out of the left coast. When the sun hits the flames on
Heeeet the depth of the airbrush art makes the bike look like it's really on fire. The bike won Grand Champion status at O'Reilly's Autofest and Best Custom at Cave Radio's Bike show. Heeeet has only been ridden for shakedown purposes and to one rally (149 miles). The bike comes with used Cobra drag pipes for riding, and a brand new set of Jardine drag pipes that have never been used for show purposes.
HERE for a list of the custom alterations for